Butch gay bar names

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It was organised by Melbourne Radicalesbians – 'an off-shoot of the Gay Women's Group which had come into existence within Gay Liberation'. The first national lesbian feminist conference was held in Sorrento, outside Melbourne in 1973. One character was Don Finlayson, an openly homosexual lawyer. The television series Number 96 also began in 1972. Altman's book documented and articulated a militant 'gay' politics that refused secrecy and shame while also challenging activism that only worked within 'the system'. The shock and excitement of open, self-accepting homosexuality provided by media coverage of Camp was followed by reviews of Dennis Altman's Homosexual: oppression and liberation ( 1971) in Time magazine in February 1972, the Age in July and the Australian in August. 2 Society Five, Melbourne's version of Camp, formed in 1971.

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1 Public lesbian and gay politics changed nationally with the formation of the Campaign Against Moral Persecution ( Camp) in Sydney in September. The Australian chapter of the lesbian organisation Daughters of Bilitis had been founded in Melbourne in January 1970 though small and not well known, there was TV and newspaper coverage. The gay and women's gay liberation movements gave a dramatic new political impetus to what was already occurring.

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